Sunday, February 8, 2009

Missing something

Sunday February 8, 2009

So today someone said something that really affected me. They told me to ask my boyfriend what he thought. This got to me because I don't have a boyfriend. now don't get me wrong, I love being single. well I don't care that I am anyway. but it still hurts to be reminded of it. I want a boyfriend. not for any physical reasons, but for a emotional connection. and for someone can lay on and laugh with. Its not that I am desperate but I do want it, a lot. and it doesn't help that anytime I get close, it is taken from me. it just makes me wonder, when will it be my time, and who will it be. Its getting harder and harder to remember how much more there is besides boys.

1 comment:

  1. well there's me...jks.
    I feel the same way too a lot. but I also like to think that i still have time to be a kid and I might as well enjoy that before anything too serious. The time will come when we least expect it.
