Sunday, February 22, 2009

my life

so right now things are both exciting and boring. school is as usual, a ton of hard work. i wish that i could go back to grade nine sometimes. and make some changes. more friends, and pay more attention in class. sometimes it feels like all i ever do is regret. or say "next time". it is just hard to let go of old habits and embrace a new being. and then i am still at great odds with my parents. i think it is just me, cause everything they do seems to bug me lately. some days they are fine, and some days i can't stand them. and this is separately of course. together they are hell. and lately my friends are kinda bugging me. one in particular. she just seems selfish and obnoxious. she has not really changed. she has always been that way, but it it getting to me more. and i don't like it. but i am becoming closer with other friends, who i haven't been as close to, or lost touch with, wich is really nice.

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