Thursday, February 12, 2009


I hate money sometimes. Mostly I hate asking for money. Large sums of money really. I am going on a trip this year that is really expensive so both my parents are paying for it. My dad just told me that he doesn't think my mom will pay enough and I should arrange a sit down between them. That means they will start screaming at each other and I will need to be there cause it is about me. And also that means asking my grandparents for money which I hate doing. I find it awkward and embarrassing. I am just a kid, doesn't that mean I shouldn't have to worry about money? Talking about money always makes me uncomfortable and I really hate it. I like believing that it will take care of itself without my having to get involved but of course that never happens and I end up back between the proverbial rock and hard place. Its just the upcoming "discussion" with my parents really has got me upset. It always hurts when they scream and I don't want to put them together to talk about money, a always very bad start to any convo.

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