Saturday, May 16, 2009


My friends are bitches! not all the time, but lately they have been bugging me more and more. At first it was just one of them. she is very flirty and that started to get to me. I no longer want to hear about all the guys she is playing, and whats more, if its not about her she doesn't even listen to what i say. But now its all of them. we are trying to make plans and they are all like "you do it" and "i don't care" and one of them told me i should pay for her bus fair. i mean seriously!? plus i feel like i am being squeezed out. she doesn't talk to me as much and last week she asked out this guy that i used to like, and maybe still do. this is after i told her i wouldn't go after another guy cause she liked him. what kind of friend is that. I just want to scream at them. and it doesn't help that all i want to do is get out of the house cause my mom is driving me insane. but i don't even have anyone to talk to about this and i am driving myself crazy self analyzing. its just soo bloody stupid and i just want to spaz at her. who dealt me this crap hand to play with (so to speak)